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Myths About SEO - Semalt Prompts

9 Common SEO Myths that you Need to Avoid [2023]

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction 
  2. What is SEO?
  3. Why are there Misconceptions?
  4. Some Myths that Surround SEO
  5. Conclusion


SEO, or rather Search Engine Optimization, is a very profound topic in the world of the internet. You may have heard of SEO if you have a website, blog, or social media account. The same goes for people working directly or indirectly with websites, blogs, and social media owners. These are people like content writers, salespeople, marketers, web developers, and so much more. But whether you have wide knowledge about SEO or you only know a little about it, the fact is that the meaning remains the same. Your thoughts about a concept or how well you know it does not change the meaning. 

That is why it can be funny, unfortunate, and for some people, costly if you live in a myth. While it can limit you to many of the potentials of SEO, for others, that misconception or ignorance could be why you think you are not getting the desired results. So whether you know SEO or don't know, you need this information. Go through this list and see if any misconceptions apply to you. Learn the truth so that you can start to use SEO the right way with the right resources. 

What is SEO?

Your website without SEO is like walking out in the cold without a jacket. If SEO is not given priority on your website, you will be exposing it to the harshness of the internet. 

SEO is a set of procedures or actions taken to improve the visibility and ranking of a website on search engine results pages (SERP). These sets of special procedures place your page or website on top of Google page ranking to generate leads or traffic for your website. When done properly, SEO will boost your brand and give it the awareness it needs; SEO is a blessing. 

The good thing about SEO is that the leads generated are organic. They are your target audience, making it easier for you to turn those leads into customers. SEO is also very inexpensive and can guarantee a quantifiable result.

Although SEO has many strategies, there are 3 of them which remain the most effective and important and can also be considered the pillars of SEO. They are:

1. On-page SEO: This type of SEO is the most used. It is also known as on-site SEO, which entails infusing your landing page with relevant keywords to optimize its optimization.

2. Off-page SEO: This strategy is also very common and effective. This action involves working behind the scenes of your website to generate traffic. Some actions include creating a presence or awareness around your brand on social media by showing your expertise on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Quora, Reddit, and Instagram. It also involves the use of influencers and social networking.

3. Technical SEO: This type refers to finding and fixing technical barriers impeding your site from getting results from SERP.

Why are there Misconceptions?

Misconceptions about SEO started because some of the major rules and regulations that were supposed to aid the productivity of the activity yielded little or no results, so people came up with likely reasons why what should be working isn't working. Most SEO myths and misconceptions come from Google's secrecy and how the algorithm ranks websites in search engine result pages. However, this does not mean that these myths are not entirely true. It's just that the truth has been thickened with misconceptions. It is almost as if the truth doesn't exist anymore. In this article, you will learn about those myths and their truth. 

Some Myths that Surround SEO

1. Only Keywords Matter: One widespread SEO misconception that is untrue is this one. People believe that focusing on littering their content with the right keywords is enough to get them to SERP. The truth is that employing the proper keywords while concentrating on the quality of your content is what consistently works. If you distribute the best low-key difficulty, high-volume keywords across the text of poorly developed content, it will create a high level of bounce rates because your users could not find what they were looking for. 

2. Conducting keyword research is unnecessary: One of the initial misconceptions regarding SEO was that you didn't need to research if you could think of potential keywords people would look for on Google. On the contrary, keyword research will give you the information and extra keywords to help your website rank. If you don't do keyword research, your page will rank for only one term, reducing its visibility. It could even amount to you using the wrong keyword. You must undertake keyword research to select relevant terms that will bring visitors to your page. Proper keywords bring traffic, but good content sustains them, and if done properly, it would convince your customers to give your brand a chance.

3. SEO process happens once: Contrary to this belief, SEO is a continuous process. SEO is a once-upon-a-time strategy that will guarantee a long-term result. However, SEO is a continuous procedure to generate leads and traffic to your website. The more you do it, the more you see progressive results. 

4. You can do SEO on your own: SEO is generally perceived as easy and simple. However, SEO can be complex and overwhelming to implement all by yourself. If you see yourself doing it, you must have had grounded knowledge about it; then you can go on. If that is not the case, consider the services of a professional SEO expert to lift the weight off your shoulders. 

5. You don't need to create content often: SEO without Content amounts to absolutely nothing. Posting blog links to outsource for clicks, and traffic can be an effort, but it is not enough if the constant creation of content is not updated on the blog or website. The secret recipe to successful SEO productivity is constantly creating content. Doing helps you find more keywords to generate leads and traffic to rank your page on SERP.

6. Just because you consulted an SEO company, you will get fast results: It is a great idea to employ the services of an SEO specialist who will run your website's SEO. But one belief that has ruined many experiences with top SEO companies is the misconception that you'll achieve fast results. The mistake these companies make is assuring their clients that they will get fast results, and it will be a mistake if any client believes that. SEO results take time before it produces fast results. If the company promises to deliver fast results or if you saw that your website gained 100 new visitors in a day, you probably got duped with a black hat SEO strategy. These short-term results are not only against the rules and regulations in Google's guidelines. If this happens, your website could be flagged. 

7. The more keywords you use, the higher the ranking on SERP: Keywords or keyphrases are the magic wand that controls the flow of leads to your website, but if it is over, it could lead to a total disadvantage. Stuffing your content with too many keywords can appear too repetitive and sometimes make your content go out of context. When this happens, your page or website could be flagged for keyword stuffing, and the penalty is to face harmful consequences from Google. Other than that, keyword stuffing may confuse your users, creating a horrible experience. This situation would then lead to indefinitely higher bounce rates.

No one uses title tags and meta descriptions. So they are not necessary: Title tags and meta descriptions are the tools that help you give first impressions to your users. As important as the title and the body of your content are, they cannot function without title tags and meta descriptions. These tools are pieces of information that are crucial for SEO. They are the first pieces of information that your users will see about your website or page. Although they are not meant to make your page or website rank higher on SERP, they encourage clicks from audiences once you find your way to the top page. To leverage title tags and meta descriptions, ensure you keep your title tags within 60 characters and the descriptions within a minimum of 155 characters. Also, cleverly weave your targeted keywords with the characters but make sure they are in context and concise.  


Although SEO has these misconceptions, if you are sure of what is true and what isn't, you will be able to keep your website in the green and be satisfied with your slow but surely long-term growth. If you wish to improve the SEO of your website, consult only top SEO companies that are trustworthy and experienced. Semalt is an example of a notable company that offers many services and products, including website audit, web development, keyword research, link building, keyword selection, content writing, and so much more. Therefore, book your website, make use of their free consultation, and move your website to the next level of better ranks and positive growth.